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Owabong international tourism

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Sightseeing in Indonesia very much, but not least with one of the following attractions you need to visit. OWABONG Tour that was her name. Located in urban areas and central java purbalingga. Owabong has a picture of a very interesting tour with the natural. This place is an international standard for bathing in the countryside complete with nuance about the natural and traditional. Shade trees around OWABONG also added to the atmosphere is cool and fresh spring water that is thousands of years to support local people. It will not be found in other places, the fresh water in this OWABONG always free of any chemicals. Like the wheels of life kept walking, eyes water in this village never subsided and never ceased even though the water of life affected by the long dry season, though.

With the price of admission fee that is cheaper than a similar object in a number of places in Jakarta and the island of Bali, you will be able to enjoy it up various facilities in the land area is 6 hectares.

Facilitie are:
1. Pool international standards covering 50 x 21 m with a depth of 1725 m.
2. The child pool area of 188.5 meter2
3. Swimming flow (kelen) along 220 meters (circles) with a width of 3 meters.
4. Pond water party
5. Water slide / water boom 2 tracks
6. Tribune area 252 m2
7. Tennis Courts
8. Cottage
9. Motor racing circuit Arena Go Kart
10. Caffe restaurant
11. Multi-party open
12. Park

OWABONG around, you can also buy a variety of typical souvenirs such as handicrafts, pineapple Simadu thick fleshy and sweet, country-style dishes and other mementos of interest.

Not far from OWABONG, if you want to enjoy the village atmosphere as much and stay in the village, could come to the village tour Karangbanjar, Bojongsari District. With travel approximately 1.5 miles from the West towards OWABONG, you've reached the Karangbanjar. Many interesting things can you find here. There are craft hair, a broom hamada, ML arena Adventure Adventure Zone, camping ground Munjuluhur, koi fish breeding centers, and other objects of interest. So make haste to come to Indonesia and enjoy the natural attractions of this owabong.

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