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Chelsea is very strong

Minggu, 05 September 2010

Chelsea started the Premier League this season with a solid. But 'The Blue' are reminded not to be careless and careful. The reason John Terry et al have not faced real test.

Chelsea became the only team with a perfect record in the Premier League 2010/2011 so far. Mop-up victory in three games already dilakoni, scoring 14 goals and has not conceded. It took Carlo Ancelotti's throne care teams at the top of the standings.

But what is indicated Chelsea had not made the Manchester United midfielder Park Ji Sung undaunted.
"This is indeed a good start for Chelsea, but we're not worried because this is still a very long season. Every team has those days where they were in a period of ups and downs and the real test for Chelsea will come when things do not go smoothly for them, "Park said, as quoted from the official website of MU.

There is also the start made by Sir Alex Ferguson's team besutan it was not semantap Chelsea. Nevertheless Park optimistic his team would show significant progress.

"We are pleased to win two of three games we've been doing, but we knew we could still be better. We are very experienced to know the that when we more often end the game with excellent results, so our quality will be more visible," concluded the player South Korea's origin

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