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War on Arsenal's Adebayor

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

In Manchester Stadium, Manchester City, Manchester City host will host "The Gunners" Arsenal. The party will be one stepping stone for the City to prove their commitment this season. Is the City satisfied only out of position 4, or inappropriate drove to the top with Chelsea, Manchester United, and Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur.

After poor performances at Liverpool earlier this season, the opportunity through to the 4 Big City looks more open. However, the new end position will be determined at the end of the season, when the position of the Premier League is final.

However, in the course of this season, City is a contender in the best four will at least rank

deal with six big-match. The six parties are petandingan home and away against Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United.
Maybe if you are adding, the party against Spurs and Everton will also be a party hard, but the repercussions will be less than the opponent meeting Chelsea, Manchester United, and Arsenal. And if the City on Sunday evening local time to face Arsenal, neutral spectators were ready to anticipate the appearance of Emmanuel Adebayor, Arsenal's former striker who moved to the City.

Since the beginning of this season, Adebayor began ketar-ketir when coach Roberto Mancini's players continue to make a purchase. The names of the players City are now no longer merely an international class player. They've become a bunch of world class players that if they did not come to the City, it is definitely going to land in Madrid, Barcelona or Milan, if not to Chelsea and MU.

As a result, the chance Adebayor remains a core of players began to decrease. Although Mancini's squad did not dispose of a large City, at least consciously chances Adebayor appears each week no longer as bright as last season.

The problem, Adebayor would not like to be a backup when the City meets Arsenal. Because the international players are still hurt Togo thrown out of London club early in the season 2009/2010. His revenge when he celebrated his goal seemed excessive to Arsenal last season, and then kicked the head of Robin van Persie.

In its favor, while Adebayor netted a hat trick fascinating look at the City club roll of Poland, Lech Poznan 3-1, last Thursday. His appearance was difficult to make Mancini refused displayed against Arsenal.

If Adebayor to be lowered, Party City vs. Arsenal will be complete with fighting techniques, psychological warfare, and proof of self determination, in addition to fighting tactics of the two coaches, Wenger and Mancini.

The result of this party for Wenger and Mancini will give an idea how far they will drive farm club this season. And if need be, they surely will make the changes through the upcoming January transfer window.

As a guest team, Arsenal will certainly be more careful. However, the main weakness Arsenal under the rule can not be covered by

Fabianski that since some of the last party to replace Almunia. Another obstacle for Arsenal, when they come into Kanang City this week, Fabregas et al. clubs find their opponents suddenly become more rigid than MU.

Problems Rooney at Manchester stronghold of protracted psychological and mental make the position of the City is more robust than MU. In fact, MU really hesitant to imagine the possibility hijrahnya Rooney to the City.

Manchester City is no longer dominated by the color red, especially after the City began to show their sharpness. How confident City will reduce their ability of promise Mancini Arsenal looked down the two strikers. In addition to Tevez who became captain of the team, Mancini tempted to lose Adebayor as a companion.

If this be true, the City will be featured with twin strikers.

It shows Mancini was able to block all attacks Arsenal and did not feel the need to keep Adebayor.

When last season Arsenal were beaten 2-4 by the City, all the weaknesses of children upbringing Wenger appeared. Habits throw scoring opportunities, poor performance goalkeeper, and weakness in the back line easily visible.

From 4 last game played by the City, they won 4 times. Victory over Chelsea London City including a silenced single goal by Carlos Tevez.

The arrival of James Milner, Jerome Boeteng, David Silva, Mario Balotelli, and Yaya Toure has completed the City squad who are now fearful of all opponents. Although Mancini usual 4-3-3 pattern of play, the party against Arsenal he would not be afraid to play a pattern of 4-4-2 with Tevez and Adebayor up front.

In the hands of City, Arsenal will have difficulty because of three City midfielder, Yaya Toure, De Jong, and David Silva played a very important role. De Jong will almost certainly be lethal Fabregas movement.

Yaya Toure who in his old club, FC Barcelona a defensive midfielder, in the City was ordered Mancini to actively assist the attack. While David Silva has a quality winger and the players who operate behind the two strikers City.

Arsenal come into the barn City with unpleasant conditions due to injury suffered by Robin van Persie, Aaon Ramsey, Vermaelen, and Frimpong and Almunia. Good news for Arsenal is the return of Cesc Fabregas, Theo Walcott, Nicklas Bendtner, and Abu Diaby and Sagna.

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