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Between PSSI and FIFA

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

INDONESIA-JAKARTA - The chaos that struck central Indonesia football was already expanding to the international stage. One of the biggest media in the United States, New York Times also highlighted the chaotic even in the PSSI.

Is Aubrey Belford, one journalist at the NY Times that raised a polemic that was happening in the PSSI, related to the general election for a new chairman from 2011 to 2015 period.

In his article this time, Aubrey has also highlighted the attitude of the current chairman Nurdin Halid who refused to resign and was impressed keukeuh want to re-served as Ketum for the third time.

Aubrey rate, Nurdin is a dictatorial leader figure who could not hear the voices of the lovers of football in the capital and the area lately unrelenting voice for himself immediately put the office.

In fact, in the FIFA statutes is clear that the background of this man from Bugis not qualify as chairman. Nurdin was sentenced to prison because of known cases of corruption.

In his article dated March 3, yesterday, Aubrey also told about the failure of the two prospective candidates (balloon), the chairman of the Army Chief of Staff General George Toisutta and Arifin Panigoro pass the verification. Judged, the failure of both the above figures could not be separated from the role of Nurdin who did not want to lose, because conscious Toisutta and Arifin received support from the community.

Finally, Aubrey also reveal the contents of the statement expressed by Nurdin in court with an opinion by a member of Commission X of the House of Representatives on Tuesday. One of the most striking difference is the time to cry and admitted Nurdin had threatened officers killed by one of the country.

To strengthen this article, the New York Times in this case refers to the observer Aubrey football, Tondo Widodo that in fact a former member of PSSI, as a resource.

Tondo himself acknowledged that disputes about who was going in PSSI and massive demonstrations demanding Nurdin down, is the culmination of the public who are fed up with Nurdin leadership during the last nine years, but no achievement.

"You ask the people on the street, they do not have an intellect, you can also ask the taxi driver. They all must be ashamed. They do not like what has been done Nurdin and his cronies during the lead PSSI, "he concluded.

Referring to the decision of the Executive Committee meeting (EXCO), FIFA, yesterday, who asked PSSI to immediately establish an independent selection committee and conduct elections before 30 April next chairman, it can be said, the fate of Nurdin and all his cronies just a matter of time.

From : bola.okezone.com

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