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Computer Security UNIX

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Unix has a complex range of security assessment. Born with a number of advantages. Designing a reliable system with a network strategy that terkonsep. Can be used for transparent remote server.

In addition, Unix is an open system in which most of its code is widely published. Thus, the researchers studied yag reliable unix code likely to find a particular weakness. what items need to be in security unix? The following explanation is therein.

hence, UNIX trusted to handle issues related to security. Hundreds of tools and programs are constantly being developed to security in from security features. Various development is based on what the security problems in the UNIX server computer.

several advantages unix thing to know is:
1. encrypted passwords
2. control access to files and directories that are tough
3. level of authentication procedures
4. logging facilities.

although can be a handle various problems but unix system itself needs a lot of tools that should be supporting to improve the features for the system to become more secure. this is of concern.

For security and the existing gap will be searchable on my next article about the unix system.

  by: sigit triyoko

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