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FIFA commented on the unrest PSSI

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

INDONESIA-JAKARTA - The era of leadership at PSSI Nurdin Halid unlikely to continue. The highest world football authority Fifa has issued a statement strongly related candidacy Nurdin.

In a teleconference with Metro TV, Indonesia Ambassador Ricardo Sulilo confirmed the news. According to Ricardo, who met with FIFA President Sepp Blatter, FIFA has banned Nurdin to move forward again as Chairman of the PSSI period 2011-2015.

FIFA in this case asks PSSI to uphold the FIFA statutes, where an ex-convict prohibited led the football federation. As is known, Nurdin to jail in 2007 was hampered because of corruption cases.

"Blatter firmly say 'No'," Joko said when asked whether or not related to Nurdin Halid forward as Chairman of the PSSI.

"Later, to Congress Elections Chairman, FIFA will send a representative to oversee the running for congress by the rules," he continued in the interview.

While on another occasion, the Chairman KON / KOI, Rita Subowo who also briefly spoke with Blatter, confirmed the news. According to him, all four candidates before, Nurdin, Nirwan Bakrie, George Toisutta and Arifin Panigoro also certainly not be advanced.

From : bola.okezone.com

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