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FIFA's decision to issue PSSI

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

The result of the FIFA executive committee meeting held in Zurich, Switzerland, (3 / 3) has been released. In the end, the highest organization of the world football, decided to give mandate to the PSSI-related disputes that emerged lately.

According already scheduled FIFA, Sepp Blatter (President) who was accompanied by Jerome Valcke (Secretary General) revealed some problems the solution of disputes that occur in asosias in world football. And one of them PSSI.

PSSI related problems, there are two things that are discussed FIFA. First on the issue chaotic election committee chairman (ketum), waketum, and PSSI executive committee. And the second Premier League Indonesia related issues.

"PSSI must conduct a meeting to form the electoral commission on March 26, 2011, which adapted the standard code of Fifa election. electoral commission is formed and then immediately run the election before April 30th, 2011,"the statement on FIFA's official site-related problem selection committee.

Meanwhile, the related problem of LPI, FIFA also has already instructed the PSSI to quickly find the best solution. If the problem can not be resolved, the FIFA executive will report to komise. This makes PSSI potentially imposed sanctions. "If PSSI can not control the 'breakaway leagues' (in this case LPI), the case of the problem will be reported to the executive committee of FIFA, and it has the potential existence of a witness (against PSSI)

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Azhie mengatakan...

Blog Walking bro ^^