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What caused the defeat of Germany?

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

In the match between Germany against Serbia and Montenegro yesterday, defeated Germany by 1-0. These results bring bad effects to the German fans. Many people ask what the cause of this defeat, articles in German is one of the first team won 4-0 over Australia in the event World Cup games in 2010.

But the second match against Serbia and Montenegro defeated Germany 1-0. Many ulasa said that the defeat was due not kosentrasinya players, too disparaging of Serbia, some say even before the match against Germany by a party of Serbia. What is a sex party? or any other party?

defeat of Serbia and Montenegro should be questioned by everyone. Who does not wonder classmates German team had to lose against Serbia. many fans are disappointed by this defeat Germany.

Though Germany has been given the opportunity finalti by leaders of the match referee, but Germany could not score an equalizer through a penalty which the master Podolsky.

Weak German defense and not solidnya line per line which makes this defeat. But many think the players partying before the match against Germany by the Serbs, is that true?

Did a lot of great team players who have sex before they compete? This should be in reading and scrutiny by all of us.

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